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Kindergarten: Text

Our Strategies of Learning

Planning of a variety of contexts, strategies, and multi-modal experiences to engage a child and to foster their participation and learning. These include but not limited to play, small group and some whole group interactions, intentional teaching, inquiry and real-life experiences. The use of transition and routines as learning opportunities and to support the child’s increasing. Independence.
This is possible through the well thought and suitable educational materials stationed in different educating areas and aimed at stimulating early learning.
The curriculum is designed and implemented to meet the diverse needs of the child and the families within the community.  It strives to provide relevant learning opportunities for the child and takes into account diverse family, culture, linguistic, school and community influences.
The child draws a wide range of knowledge, experiences, interests and skills that impact on the way they learn from his surroundings. Working with schools in the region is appreciated where school policies, priorities, and interagency collaborations can influence the decisions we make.

Our Guidlines

Planning and organizing for learning and teaching, daily, short and long term plans. Striving and providing relevant learning opportunities that take into account the experiences, interests, and capabilities of individuals or groups of children. In order to engage children in learning experiences, enacting interactions and thoughtful responses are used strategically.
Feedbacks and parent’s involvement is of importance to strengthen learning.


By monitoring assessing and documenting the child’s learning and participating in a variety of ways in diverse contexts over time.


The learning methods are analyzed and evaluated and the information is shared with parents. Learning practices are improved to enhance further professional growth and identify areas of improvement in the curriculum process

Kindergarten: List
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